Zero Crossing Based Spectral Analysis

  • John A. Sherrington

    Student thesis: Master's Thesis


    This dissertation contains a study of the timed zeros, both real and complex, of a band-limited signal. Mathematics essential to the study is explained and the method of using a simple invertible transform to convert complex zeros to real zeros, otherwise known as zero crossings, is considered. The work of key researchers in the field is reviewed giving a brief historical background.

    A practicable means of reconstructing a signal from zero crossings times is devised using the Texas Instruments TMS320C30 floating point digital signal processor simulator. Four methods of spectral analysis using zero crossing times are also reviewed and a practicable scheme using the same processor is devised. Spectral analysis of a reconstructed signal from zero crossings is shown to be the best of the methods tried.

    The reconstruction of a signal from zero crossing times is also shown to be an alternative means of analogue to digital conversion and a method of compressing data representing a band-limited signal by a factor of two is suggested.
    Date of AwardFeb 1996
    Original languageEnglish
    SupervisorHefin Rowlands (Supervisor)


    • Biomedical Engineering
    • Zero crossing
    • spectral analysis
    • Signal processing
    • timed zeros
    • band limited signal

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