Theory of Acceptance and Sustained Use of Technology:
: A technology acceptance model adapted in the context of digital mapping for disaster preparedness in East Africa

  • Dave W Farthing

    Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


    The purpose of this project is to assist crowdsourced mapping of developing countries (particularly in East Africa) for the purposes of disaster preparedness. In the event of a disaster, relief organisations require an up-to-date map of the affected area. In developing countries, maps of vulnerable areas are often low resolution and out of date. Crowdsourcing techniques have been used to map such areas after a disaster, but the geographic information becomes available perhaps days or weeks later. By populating a digital map in advance of a disaster, various advantages may be gained, such as the information being available at the outset of disaster response and it having already been checked. Modern technologies enable local communities to create maps of their own areas, but a key problem with pre-disaster crowdsourced mapping is how to obtain sufficient participation from volunteers within the community. This project has identified factors that encourage communities in developing countries to adopt and use mapping technologies through a qualitative analysis of crowdsourced mapping case studies and the views of experts. A model of technology acceptance and use has been tailored for this purpose. The resulting model is called the Theory of Acceptance and Sustained Use of Technology. As the name implies, there is an emphasis on the factors that encourage use of technologies both in the short and long term. It is hoped that the model and its associated guidelines will help communities to be more prepared for disasters and so reduce loss and suffering in developing countries.
    Date of AwardSept 2015
    Original languageEnglish
    SupervisorMark Ware (Supervisor), Gary Higgs (Supervisor) & Tony Harris (Supervisor)

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