The Use of Expert Systems in the Land Strategy of Cardiff City Council

  • D. H. Jenkins

    Student thesis: Master's Thesis


    The City Council, on the recommendation of D.H. Jenkins, in his role as Principal Officer, decided to authorise investigation of the use of expert systems in the development of its "Land Strategy". Later, authorisation was given for the development of a prototype council house valuation system.

    An explanation of the land Strategy itself and the development of the IT strategy which prompted the project described in this dissertation provide context, as does a description of the changes in local authority property management occurring in recent years. The motives which led to the project are examined.

    The remainder of the dissertation comprises a study of the knowledge employed by the council's valuation staff in the sale of houses under the Housing Act 1980 as amended; the elicitation and representation of that knowledge in the system which is submitted for examination with this dissertation and entitled RBSOC to represent "Rule-Based Sale Of Council house system"; the development of the algorithms which give effect to the system's objectives; the design of the user interface and the method of system delivery / deployment.

    General observations regarding the potential applications of the technology described in the dissertation are made and conclusions drawn regarding the impact of the technology on the valuation profession.

    Appendix 2 describes and illustrates the computer programme RbSOC which is a product of the research undertaken. This programme was developed using the "Crystal" expert system shell and encapsulates the knowledge elicited as part of the research.
    Date of Award1992
    Original languageEnglish

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