The Principles of Talent Management; an Investigation into the Validity of a Career Development Strategy as a tool to ensure the Retention of Key Knowledge Workers within International Rectifier Automotive Ltd.

  • Lisa Goodwin

    Student thesis: Master's Thesis


    The purpose of this dissertation was to research and evaluate the theories of Talent Management, and Career Development in order to provide context to an investigation of the current Career Development strategy in place at International Rectifier EMS Ltd (IRWA). The investigation at IRWA was aimed specifically at identifying the employee perceptions of current career development provision, and to identify particular areas for improvement in the approach taken with IRWA knowledge workers; the Engineering staff.

    The main findings of the research were positive, although identifying a need for a more structured approach to career development. A need for a conscious commitment from the management team to embrace the principles of career development for the greater good of the company, rather than viewing the development of staff as a risk that would lead to increased turnover and a loss of 'investment'.
    Date of Award2005
    Original languageEnglish

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