Principal factors affecting senior management culture change for total quality metamorphosis

  • Ioannis Angeli

    Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


    The main objective of the thesis was to identify the major Quality parameters and key success factors worldwide (assigned as "whats") that are necessary to bring about change in the senior Management culture towards leadership in Quality, and in addition, the factors (assigned as "hows") affecting the implementation of the key success factors in enterprises. In parallel to "whats" and "hows", identification was made of specific instructions, techniques and methods, (assigned as 3rd level "hows") demonstrating how to achieve the "how" factors. The three-level investigation aims to develop a universal model addressing the key success factors, so that, through different morphes (steps or stages) a complete Total Quality metamorphosis can be achieved.

    Through an extensive literature search focusing on research and studies of academics and practitioners, 72 whats, and 165 hows addressed by 73 3rd level hows were identified. The 72 "what" requirements were used as the basis for the questionnaire of an international survey directed to over 200 Chief Executive Officers and practitioners from 15 countries worldwide. The grading of those requirements was used as a weighting factor in analysis of the factors, which was accomplished using the Quality Function Development technique (QFD).

    Through a series of QFD matrices (phase I and 11) a modified QFD matrix was developed relating the 72 "whats" and 165 "hows" containing the necessary information for analysis and identification of the principal "whats", "hows", 3rd level "hows" factors.

    The analysis reveals overall agreement on the most important success factors. This enables the development of an analytic model for a Chief Executive Officers culture change implementation process necessary to achieve Total Quality metamorphosis and Senior Manager leadership.

    1. Understanding change, its meaning and implementation
    2. Influence or Convince management and gain support from Board and senior management for the Total Quality Management implementation.
    3. Secure ownership and internalised strong top down commitment
    4. A communicated, clear and common vision of where company is going, its goals, values, ethics etc.
    5. Adopt a vision led strategic and holistic approach to change
    6. Measure and control the processes, using an internal coordinator
    7. Form an action/strategic plan with actionable steps and stages
    8. Enhance the company's perception of quality and management system
    9. Develop an effective decision, assessment, implementation and monitoring system
    10. Increase and maintain Senior Management effectiveness, development, and capabilities
    11. Senior Management must find time for changing and developing a strong culture
    12. Establish a top-level quality improvement committee
    13. Benefit from empowered, cooperative, motivated people
    14. Succeed Total Quality metamorphosis and SM leadership.

    The above implementations process steps are enhanced and achieved by the use of the "how· factors identified. The success of the whole model process revolves around the prime factor for management which is also the cornerstone for any Total Quality system; "Acceptance that the customer (internal and external) is paramount" and appreciate its implication for the company".
    Date of Award1997
    Original languageEnglish

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