Factors Affecting the Clarification of Colliery Wastewater

  • Enoch Edusei

    Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


    Investigations were initially carried out to characterize the materials present in shape, mineralogical and chemical composition, and particle size distribution.

    A micro-electrophoresis apparatus was constructed to determine the electrokinetic parameters of the colliery waste-water.

    The origin of the surface charge which forms on minerals immersed in water is important in flocculation. The nature of the charges on the fines were determined to be both positive and negative. This could be due to the coating of the particles by the addition of the froth flotation reagent used.

    The electrophoretic mobilities of the particles were measured at the various pH values and at different depths within the electrophoretic cells. These values of the electrophoretic mobilities were used to calculate the values of the zeta potential by the application of Smoluchowski's equation.

    The iso-electric point (IEP) and the zero point of charge (ZPC) were also investigated and found to coincide at all the different levels of depth within the electrophoretic cell.

    Finally the colliery waste-water was clarified successfully by flocculating it using the polyacrylamide solution.
    Date of AwardSept 1984
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • Polytechnic of Wales

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