Bram Stoker and cultural unification
: colonialism, hybridity and the gothic

  • John Boon

    Student thesis: Master's Thesis


    This thesis develops the links between Ireland, Colonialism and Nationality that occur within Bram Stoker's narratives through the representation of an ancient version of the past that actively engages with the Victorian present. This construction of the past demonstrates Stoker's political views surrounding the strengthening of a British Empire (in perceived decline) that engages equally with Ireland by providing economic strength and support for the country. When viewed from this context, Stoker's representation of the past seems to inform the present of the dangers of cultural degeneration and imperial decline, allowing the author to offer a new version of the British Empire based upon cultural continuity with Ireland. This ideal of a regeneration of the British Empire will also be seen to ground Stoker's narratives in a context of Irish regeneration along non-colonial lines and demonstrates his liberal vision of Home Rule for Ireland through which cultural reconciliation with Britain could be achieved. Thus Stoker moves beyond the initial threat of the colonial, towards the reconciling of nationalities and relocating the colonial threat from Britain towards burgeoning empires such as America and Germany.
    Date of AwardOct 2007
    Original languageEnglish

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