Asesiad gwrthrychol o ddylanwad cynllun Van Leer ar gymunedau difreintiedig yn ne-ddwyrain Cymru

Translated title of the thesis: An objective assessment of the influence of the Van Leer scheme on disadvantaged communities in south east Wales
  • Anne England

    Student thesis: Master's Thesis


    Pwrpas y gwaith hwn yw cofnodi hanes Cynllun Cymreig Sefydliad Bernard van Leer ac asesu ei gyfraniad i nifer o ardaloedd difreintiedig yn Ne-Ddwyrain Cymru.

    'Roedd angen disgrifio cefndir a natur Sefydliad Bernard van Leer am nad oedd llawer yn hysbys amdano yng Nghymru ar y pryd. Hefyd, 'roedd yn rhaid cofnodi hanes y Cynllun ei hun cyn mynd ati i ddadansoddi ei ragoriaethau a'i wendidau.

    Y cam nesaf oedd dadansoddi'r perthynas rhwng y ddau sefydliad oedd ynghlwm wrth y Cynllun, sef derbynnydd y grant, Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin a'r noddwr, Sefydliad Bernard van Leer. Datguddiwyd dau sefydliad ag amcanion cryn dipyn yn wahanol i'w gilydd a chreodd y gwahaniaethau hyn dyndra parhaus o fewn y Cynllun.

    Am mai un o brif amcanion y Cynllun oedd cynyddu nifer y gweithwyr para-broffesiynol yn rhwydwaith cylchoedd chwarae Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin penderfynwyd y dylid pwyso a mesur y problemau hyfforddi a wynebai'r Prosiect.

    Y mae'r cyfraniad gweladwy a wnaed gan y Cynllun yn un eithaf sylweddol oherwydd bod nifer o gylchoedd chwarae Cymraeg wedi'u sefydlu gan y gweithwyr maes a hyfforddodd eu harweinyddion presennol. Yn ogystal a hyn, lluniwyd
    cyfres o ddeunyddiau dysgu Cymraeg a oedd yn addas i rieni eu defnyddio gyda'u plant.

    Gallai nifer o'r gwersi cyffredinol a ddysgwyd yn sgil y Cynllun fod o ddefnydd i ddarpar-reolwyr a gweithwyr mewn cynlluniau tymor byr, yn enwedig pan fyddai'r prosiectau hynny'n cynnwys sefydliadau o'r sector gwirfoddol. Er na
    Iwyddodd y Cynllun i gyflawni holl obeithion na derbynnydd y grant na'r noddwr chwaith ni ellir anwybyddu'r cyfraniad sylweddol a wnaed.

    The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the influence of the Bernard van Leer Foundation Welsh Project upon a selected number of socially deprived communities in South East Wales.

    Background material includes an introduction to the aims and practices of the Bernard van Leer Foundation and to the geographical, social and educational context of the Project. This allows for a far more meaningful and revealing analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the whole programme.

    The thesis also seeks to examine the relationship between the two organisations involved in the Project, namely the grant holder Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin and the sponsor, the Bernard van Leer Foundation. This examination highlights
    conflicting priorities which were destined to give rise to a feeling of tension within the project.

    One of the Project's aims was to increase the number of para-professional workers in the Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin network. Consequently it was necessary to consider the role of the para-professional and to examine the prime requirements of a structured training programme.

    The thesis records that the Project did in part succeed in training a number of play group leaders who were subsequently to make a significant contribution to Welsh medium nursery education in the targetted underprivileged communities.
    It also succeeded in providing an innovative array of language materials to be shared by parents and children.

    In terms of the lessons learnt as a result of Project experiences, there were a number of universal application which might be useful to prospective management committees and staff of short term schemes, especially those involving
    organisations from the voluntary sector. The valuable experience thus gained together with the visible contribution made by the Project can be balanced against the fact that it did not achieve exactly what both grant holder and grant giver had hoped.

    Date of AwardMay 1993
    Original languageWelsh

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