The Study considers four generic classes of variables to be important in describing students' learning. These are identified as (I) cognitive, (2) dispositional, (c) behavioural, and, (d) contextual.The sample comprises 620 polytechnic, first year students, of different faculties and pursuing degree and non degree courses. Standardised tests of intelligence, personality and study habits are used to measure individual difference variables, and a sub sample of 120 are given a learning strategies test. Additionally, a cross faculty sample of 150 students provides data on students' attributions of academic achievement.
The Study examines the inter-relationships existing between the classes of variables identified, and specifically focuses on those relationships occurring for study habits and for learning strategies. The relationship of variables with examination performance is observed within faculties.
Results suggest that variability in study habits exists between groups of students classified according to sex, type of course pursued and faculty membership. It is suggested that study habits are associated with certain individual difference variables and with the dependent variable of examination performance, within faculties. A consistency in students' study habits is observed to exist over a period of one academic year which implies stability.
Results also suggest that learning strategies, defined as focusing and scanning, are discriminably distinct and constitute a description of students' preferred learning approach. The Study examines the relationship between learning strategies and other individual differences.
The results of the Study are suggested to have some implications for practice, in terms of counselling and remedial intervention programmes, and for the generation of further research into the relationships of the variables identified, with each other, and with academic success and failure.
Date of Award | May 1985 |
Original language | English |
Awarding Institution |