A mathematics assessment scheme for less able secondary pupils

  • Lynn Davies

    Student thesis: Master's Thesis


    This study is concerned with the assessment framework used within the W.J.E,C. Certificate of Education Numeracy Course.

    A sample of 193 candidates, drawn from 5 large Comprehensive Schools in Mid Glamorgan, was tested using written, aural, oral, and practical assessment procedures, and the results obtained were analysed.

    The data collected refers to the 1986-1988 cohort of entrants, while the schools were chosen to reflect a variety of catchment areas and management structures.

    A variety of research techniques were used to interpret the results. These included statistical analysis, teacher interviews and reasoned argument. The following conclusions were drawn:

    1) Pupils score significantly higher marks when End of Module tests are administered aurally rather than in written form.

    2) A higher mark-weighting should be attached to the practical assessments in order to reflect more fully the practical ethos of the course. More detailed assessment criteria are suggested to enable positive achievement in this area to be rewarded.

    3) The oral assessment merits a higher mark-weighting than is presently allocated, However, in view of the relatively high level of absence for this component, it is noted that such a change could have a significant effect on the overall pass rate for the course.

    4) There is little support among teachers for the retention of an individual extended piece of work. However, a directed project, with a detailed marking scheme, would be a viable alternative.
    Date of AwardAug 1990
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • Polytechnic of Wales

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