A Hazard Assessment of a Landfill Site

  • Gareth Davies

    Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


    Trecastell landfill site is an open-cast site to which filter cake containing calcium sulfate was deposited as the only known industrial waste. Geological mapping of the site was carried out followed by search bar surveys to determine the area where passive venting of methane, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide occurred. The concentrations of the gases were then determined. Subsequently boreholes were positioned at strategic positions across the site and chemical analysis carried out to identify the exact composition of the waste, and the composition of both the venting gas and ground water in order to assess the threat to nearby housing and the surrounding environment.

    Chemical analysis was also carried out on the ground water, soil and water from a river network and field to the east of the site to identify any priority pollutants and confirm the migration of leachate away from the landfill site.

    The chemical identification of alkylbenzenes and polyaromatic hydrocarbons indicates that the filter cake was not the only industrial source of waste to be deposited at the site.

    The results of the analysis were used to determine what courses of action are open to the local council to render the site environmentally safe at an economical cost.
    Date of Award1994
    Original languageEnglish

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