A Century of Adventism in Wales 1885-1985 A History of Seventh-day Adventism in Wales and the Border Counties

  • Brian Phillips

    Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


    The Seventh-day Adventist Church grew out of an interdenominational Second Advent Movement which spread rapidly through England, France, Switzerland, Germany, Scandinavia and the Northern United States during the first half of the nineteenth-century. For a hundred years they have had a small presence in Wales and the border counties of Hereford and Shropshire. In the nineteen-eighties Seventh-day Adventists are to be found in 184 countries around the world, converts number over 1,000 a day, yet in Wales little is known about their teachings and activities. Our study will analyse the main beliefs of this denomination, delineate the large amount of effort put forward in their attempt to gain converts in Wales, and propose reasons for the lack of success.

    Many of the ways in which Seventh-day Adventists practice their faith were conceived in North America. These practices were adopted soon after by the ministers and members of the Welsh Mission. This may be seen in the activities of various departments of the church, such as in the youth work, evangelism, and the promotion of healthy living. Evidence will be presented of activities by the denomination which have supported changes in social behaviour and sought to improve community health in the Welsh Mission.

    Wales has long been considered a training ground for the Seventh-day Adventist Ministry. Many pass on to other spheres of activity in the denomination: to Presidential posts; leaders in the various departments of the Church; Missionaries and Institutional workers or Teachers. Some of the Ministers and converts have made major contributions to the World Mission of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. An investigation and assessment will be made of their contributions.

    An analysis will be made of the structural organization of the Seventh-day Adventists. This will lead to a survey of the state of the Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Wales and the Border counties of England at the present time and an assessment of the relationship that exists with other denominations, and the World Council of Churches. Conclusions will be offered on the possibility of closer co-operation among the churches and the future prospects for Seventh-day Adventists in such a context.

    This is the first detailed study of Adventism in Wales.
    Date of AwardNov 1992
    Original languageEnglish

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