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Developing an asset-based, equitable system and culturally inclusive collaborative approach to enable market access and preparedness support for the sustainable growth of Ethnic Minority-led MSEs
Author: Adebiyi, T., 2025Supervisor: Thomas, S. (Supervisor) & Horvath, G. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Immersive Sound Specification in Virtual Reality Environments
Author: Lakka, E., 2025Supervisor: Ware, A. (Supervisor), Malamos, A. G. (External person) (Supervisor) & Gwilliam, A. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Identity, intentions, and consumer behaviour in Ironman triathlon: an enhanced Theory of Planned Behaviour framework
Author: Thomas, T., 2025Supervisor: Lloyd-Parkes, E. (Supervisor) & Deacon, J. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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An Assessment of the Impact of Liquidity and Capital Regulatory Reforms on Retail Banks in the United Kingdom
Author: Amuah, D., 2025Supervisor: Amadi, C. (Supervisor) & Telford, B. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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The role of innovative financing in promoting sustainable emissions reduction in the oil and gas industry
Author: Alalabiaye, O. J., 2024Supervisor: Davies, J. (Supervisor) & Telford, B. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Characterising subaerial basaltic ‘a‘ā lava flows as potential geothermal reservoirs: Nordeste volcanic complex, Volcanic, São Miguel, Azores
Author: McCulla, K. M., 2024Supervisor: Skilling, I. (Supervisor) & Pirrie, D. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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The Development of Low-Cost Remote Sensing Technology to Monitor Invasive Alien Plant Species: The Case of Japanese Knotweed
Author: Aldwairy, H. R., 2024Supervisor: Kidner, D. (Supervisor), Shewring, I. (Supervisor) & Thomas, N. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Advantages of Magic Systems in Literature
Author: Martinez, J., 2024Supervisor: Towsey, D. (Supervisor), Llewelyn, B. (Supervisor) & Knight, S. (External person) (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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The Impact of an Educational Workshop upon Attitudes of Staff Supporting Men with Intellectual Disabilities Who Have Committed Sexual Offences
Author: Watson, L., 2024Supervisor: Taylor, R. (Supervisor) & Tyson, P. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Entrepreneurship and Innovation Enhanced, Between Leading the Nurture and Awakening the Nature within Nations: Focus on projects made to lead Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Kingdom of Bahrain
Author: Al Awadhi, F., 2024Supervisor: Thomas, S. (Supervisor) & Madhavan, N. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Between Revolution and State Evolution: The Palestinian National Movement, Hybrid Warfare, and the West
Author: Diker, D., 2024Supervisor: Kaunert, C. (Supervisor), Lopes De Deus Pereira, J. (Supervisor) & Leonard, S. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Hardware Agnostic Condition Monitoring for Steel Manufacturing: A Machine Learning Approach
Author: Griffiths, I., 2024Supervisor: Ware, A. (Supervisor), Holborn, P. (Supervisor) & Tan, C. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Enhanced Industrial Control Systems Security: A Knowledge-Based Approach for Mitigating Socio-Technical Risks
Author: Smith, K., 2024Supervisor: Wilson, I. (Supervisor) & Llewellyn, E. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Virtual Reality Visualisations for Cyber Security
Author: Harris, D., 2024Supervisor: Wilson, I. (Supervisor) & Miknis, M. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Engagement with Cardiac Rehabilitation: A mixed-methods investigation into factors that influence patient engagement in Wales
Author: Rumble, M., 2024Supervisor: Ross, L. (Supervisor), Pontin, D. (Supervisor) & Miles, J. (External person) (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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AUTOSEP-Automated Separation by Eluotropic Space Optimisation
Author: Ioannidou, A., 2024Supervisor: Davies, T. (Supervisor) & Guwy, A. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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The Unified Side-Channel Attack Testing Methodology (USCA-TM) with Hardware Microbenchmark Validation
Author: Johnson, A., 2024Supervisor: Ward, R. (Supervisor) & Ware, A. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Next Generation Monitoring of Critical Welsh Infrastructure: Creating a Starting Point for Integrating Remote Monitoring Data
Author: Farnham, N., 2024Supervisor: Skilling, I. (Supervisor), Pirrie, D. (Supervisor) & Powell, G. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Augmented Control Systems: Enhancing the Management of Expert Professionals in Reconstituted Work Environment
Author: Chukwuekezie, B., 2024Supervisor: Thomas, S. (Supervisor) & Horvath, G. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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''We have the knitting circle, and they call it ‘stitch and bitch’... Is a male really going to want to stitch and bitch?'': Engaging Elderly Male Extra-Care Tenants in Social Activities
Author: Evans, A., 2024Supervisor: Tyson, P. (Supervisor), Bowers, D. (Supervisor) & Price, K. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Operationalisation of FT-NIRS based real-time monitoring for optimisation of anaerobic digestion
Author: Darke, M., 2024Supervisor: Esteves, S. (Supervisor), Reed, J. (Supervisor) & Patterson, T. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Investigation of Methods and Devices for Active Thrust Profile Control in Hybrid Rocket Engines through Oxidiser Flow Management
Author: Laethongkham, N., 2024Supervisor: Uggalla, L. (Supervisor) & Charlesworth, P. (External person) (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Mapping and Analysing the Voluntary Youth Work Sector in Wales
Author: Bacon, E., 2024Supervisor: Maher, J. (Supervisor), Bailey, E. (Supervisor) & Williamson, H. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Harnessing practitioner curiosity and creativity for the development of art psychotherapy theory and practice
Author: Coles, A., 2024Supervisor: Walden, S. (Supervisor) & Saltus, R. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Structural Health Monitoring Using Deep Learning
Author: Nyathi, M. A., 2024Supervisor: Bai, J. (Supervisor) & Wilson, I. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A Good Fit. What experienced secondary school-based counsellors require from their clinical supervision: a situational analysis of practitioners’ descriptions of best practice
Author: Harries, I., 2024Supervisor: Conn, C. (Supervisor) & Northway, R. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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One virtue and a thousand crimes”: (Re-)writing narrative poetry, an ekphrastic approach
Author: Proverbs-Garbett, T., 2024Supervisor: Mills, K. (Supervisor) & Llewelyn, B. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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5G SCADA Based Control System
Author: Gelmini, A., 2024Supervisor: Tubb, C. (Supervisor) & Eden, P. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Individual Differences in Selfie Taking, Photo Manipulation and Filter Use Amongst Young Adults
Author: Bardsley, J., 2024Supervisor: Graff, M. (Supervisor) & Workman, L. (External person) (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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United Kingdom Interventions in Africa: Constructivist Cosmopolitan Foreign Policy Analysis
Author: Drammeh, A. M., 2024Supervisor: Kaunert, C. (Supervisor) & Lopes De Deus Pereira, J. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A Grounded Theory of Wellbeing and Resilience: Counselling Psychologists’ perceptions of these constructs in the self, the client and the workplace
Author: Peek, N., 2024Supervisor: Gait, S. (Supervisor) & Northway, R. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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An exploration into overlooked areas of forensics data analysis, case management and metadata using automation and natural language processing
Author: Nor, G., 2024Supervisor: Abuhmida, M. (Supervisor) & Llewellyn, E. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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The Barriers and Enablers in "Operationalising" the Triple Helix Model for Innovation
Author: Razak, A. A., 2024Supervisor: Thomas, S. (Supervisor) & Kamruzzaman, M. P. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Counter-Intuitive: Strategic Communications' Role in P/CVE 'Counternarratives'
Author: Zamir, M., 2024Supervisor: Kaunert, C. (Supervisor), Lopes De Deus Pereira, J. (Supervisor) & Leonard, S. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Gambling related harm: screening and early prevention
Author: Davies, N. H., 2024Supervisor: Roderique-Davies, G. (Supervisor) & Price, K. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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The assessment of the effects of deposits and corrosion on flow efficiency in petroleum products pipelines for integrity management
Author: Marigi, E., 2024Supervisor: Davies, P. (Supervisor), Kinuthia, J. (Supervisor) & Ngila, C. (External person) (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Active and Fast Tunable Plasmonic Metamaterials
Author: Abubakar, Y., 2024Supervisor: Copner, N. (Supervisor) & Li, K. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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"You are the topic. You are the centre. You are the occasion. You are the reason why": A Study of the Key Strategies Employed by Four Contemporary UK Theatre Companies to Cultivate and Develop Audience Engagement
Author: Roblin, B., 2024Supervisor: Minier, M. (Supervisor), Ramsden, H. (Supervisor) & Carklin, M. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Development of Networked Control Technology of Multiple Smart Surveillance Systems for the Internet of Things
Author: Islam, A., 2024Supervisor: Nazir, D. H. (Supervisor), Shewring, I. (Supervisor) & Roula, A. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Genre and Politics in the Historical Fictions of William Godwin and Mary Shelley
Author: Spearman, J., 2024Supervisor: Wallace, D. (Supervisor), Minier, M. (Supervisor) & Dunlop, N. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Biotechnological Processes as Part of a Carbon Capture and Utilisation Strategy in the Oil and Gas Sector: A Case Study in a Natural Gas Treatment Plant in Libya
Author: Mohamed , A. M. A., 2024Supervisor: Patterson, T. (Supervisor) & Esteves, S. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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The Role of Professional Football Clubs in Enhancing the Mental Health and Well-Being of Young People
Author: Hale, G. E., 2024Supervisor: Tyson, P. (Supervisor), Lewis, N. (Supervisor) & Lancastle, D. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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The Philosopher's Plutonium Stone: the Dounreay Fast reactor and the fall of Britain's Atomic Empire
Author: MacLeod, D., 2024Supervisor: Hill, C. (Supervisor) & Evans, C. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Decolonising the University: A Study of Histories and History Departments in Welsh Higher Education
Author: Davies, J., 2024Supervisor: Durrant, J. (Supervisor), Hill, C. (Supervisor) & Camps, C. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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High Strength Pervious Concrete
Author: Al-Madi, W., 2024Supervisor: Kinuthia, J. (Supervisor) & Oti, J. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Collaborative Community based Self-Expanding (CCSE) E-Learning Model
Author: Chellaraj, S. A., 2024Supervisor: Cunliffe, D. (Supervisor) & Carroll, F. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Development of Hydrogen Storage Materials Based on Amine-Boranes
Author: Baker, S., 2024Supervisor: Costa, N. (Supervisor), Owen, G. (Supervisor) & Guwy, A. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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The Effect of Prohibiting Non-Audit Services on Auditor Independence of Mind in the United Kingdom
Author: Oluwadairo, H. D., 2024Supervisor: Evans, J. (Supervisor) & Telford, B. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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The experience of trainees and newly qualified counselling psychologists on the education of religion and spirituality: a thematic analysis
Author: Aja, O., 2024Supervisor: Davies, R. (Supervisor) & Gait, S. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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An investigation into the recruitment and retention of higher education students in further education colleges in South Wales
Author: Saunders, S. J., 2024Supervisor: Fitzgibbon, K. (Supervisor) & Gaffney-Rhys, R. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis