title = "Ysgrifau ar Theatr a Pherfformio",
abstract = "This book was commissioned by Coleg Cenedlaethol Cymraeg in order to develop the discourse of academic and scholarly research in theatre and performance studies in Welsh and to reflect the current research discourse. Chapters are written by specialists in their field (Anwen Jones, Mike Pearson, Ioan Williams, Lisa Lewis, Sera Moore Williams, Sian Summers, Rowan O{\textquoteright}Neill, Roger Owen, Margaret Ames, Gareth Evans), and in each specialists' main field of research.",
keywords = "theatre and performance, vsevolod meyerhold, theatr, perfformio, gofod, theatr genedlaethol yng Nghymru, Cyfarwyddo, Ysgrifennu drama, theatr ol-ddramataidd, yr archif, theatr Ewrop, gofod y theatr, corff a chymuned",
author = "Lisa Lewis and Anwen Jones",
note = "Dyma gasgliad arloesol o ysgrifau ym maes Astudiaethau Theatr ac Astudiaethau Perfformio yn y Gymraeg, sy'n cynrychioli rhai o brif drafodaethau'r ddisgyblaeth yn y cyfnod diweddar. Ceir cyfraniadau allweddol gan arbenigwyr ar draws ystod ymarferol a damcaniaethol, gan godi trafodaethau ar ddatblygiad y theatr fodern. ",
year = "2013",
language = "Cymraeg",
isbn = "978-0-7083-2651-0",
publisher = "University of Wales Press",