Working on Health Communication

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Good communication is at the heart of strategies for effective health promotion and public health. At a time when lifestyle and preventable diseases are still on the rise, practitioners are in need of the skills to deliver effective health messages to the right audience, at the right time.
Responding to this demand, Working on Health Communication provides a practical guide to the process of designing, implementing and evaluating campaigns.

The book follows the campaign design process step-by-step. It covers every stage from selecting theoretical models and identifying the message and target audience, right through to running the campaign and evaluating its success. "Real-life examples" of actual campaigns are used throughout to show how theoretical ideas work in practice.

Working on Health Communication is ideal for students and practitioners in public health, health promotion and other health-related areas who are working on health campaigns.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLondon
PublisherSAGE Publications
Number of pages200
ISBN (Print)978-1-84787-923-3
Publication statusPublished - 2011


  • Health promotion
  • Public health
  • Campaigns
  • Health communication


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