'Whiplash Transition' by Lisa Barnard : included in the Exhibition "War From Here" Bunkier Sztuki Gallery of Contemporary Art, Krakow, Poland. Artists in the exhibition include: Lisa Barnard, Nina Berman, Monica Haller, Sophie Ristelhueber, Martha Rosler. Curator: Gordon MacDonald

Lisa Barnard (Photographer)

Research output: Non-textual formExhibition


included in the Exhibition "War From Here" Bunkier Sztuki Gallery of Contemporary Art, Krakow, Poland WHIPLASH TRANSITION THE WAR FROM HERE, KRAKOW< POLAND Artists: Lisa Barnard, Nina Berman, Monica Haller, Sophie Ristelhueber, Martha Rosler Curator: Gordon MacDonald
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2017
EventThe War from Here - Bunkier Sztuki Gallery of Contemporary Art, Krakow, Poland
Duration: 20 May 201718 Jun 2017


Dive into the research topics of ''Whiplash Transition' by Lisa Barnard : included in the Exhibition "War From Here" Bunkier Sztuki Gallery of Contemporary Art, Krakow, Poland. Artists in the exhibition include: Lisa Barnard, Nina Berman, Monica Haller, Sophie Ristelhueber, Martha Rosler. Curator: Gordon MacDonald'. Together they form a unique fingerprint.

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