Validation of methods for sampling contamination of uniforms.

Gail Lusardi, Allyson Lipp

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


To investigate and validate a method for samplying micro-organism contamination of health care workers (HCW) uniforms. Context Concerns of hospital acquired infections have brought focus to cleanliness of health care worker's uniforms. Recent guidance on uniforms and work wear states that there isno conclusive evidencethat uniforms pose a significant hazard in terms of spreading infection (DH,2007). However, no conclusive evidence is not the same as having evidence that is inconclusive. A major flaw is that the instruments used to measure contamination in previous research have not been validated. Therefore, although a number of studies have been performed it cannot be determined whether the results are of clinical value. Methods The Surgical Materials Testing Laboratory has been commissioned to validate four sampling systems which will be investigated to find the most effective. Results A valid measurement tool has the potential to be used on other materials used in health care such as bed linen, curtains and soft furnishings. Outcomes A validated method of measuring contamination of uniforms.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationN/A
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 11 May 2010
Event RCN International Research Conference 2010 - The Sage, Gateshead, North East England, UK
Duration: 11 May 201013 May 2010


Conference RCN International Research Conference 2010


  • contamination
  • uniform, workwear
  • infection


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