USWFCA : An ArcGIS (10.1/10.2) Add-In tool to compute Enhanced Two-Step Floating Catchment Area accessibility scores

Research output: Other contribution


his is an ArcGIS Add-in tool (versions 10.1/10.2) that facilitates easy computation of Enhanced Two-Step Floating Catchment Area accessibility scores. It requires an ArcGIS network dataset, and two point feature classes/shapefiles that represent the service supply and demand points. These may have a service capacity and demand capacity identified within their attribute tables, and the points must have their corresponding network dataset locations pre-computed using the ArcGIS toolbox. Several forms of distance-decay parameters may be selected. The add-in also computes some additional accessibility scores including distance to nearest facility and number of facilities present within the FCA threshold distance/time that is specified. This tool is provided "as-is" without the offer of technical support and currently there is not an instruction manual (although hopefully the interface is reasonably intuitive). It has been programmed using ArcObjects/Visual Studio/VisualBasic.NET by Dr Mitchel Langford and Dr Richard Fry. Additional tool installation and usage guidance is available for download.
Original languageEnglish
TypeArcGIS plugin for E2SFCA analyses
Media of outputSoftware Package
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2014


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