his is an ArcGIS Add-in tool (versions 10.1/10.2) that facilitates easy computation of Enhanced Two-Step Floating Catchment Area accessibility scores. It requires an ArcGIS network dataset, and two point feature classes/shapefiles that represent the service supply and demand points. These may have a service capacity and demand capacity identified within their attribute tables, and the points must have their corresponding network dataset locations pre-computed using the ArcGIS toolbox. Several forms of distance-decay parameters may be selected. The add-in also computes some additional accessibility scores including distance to nearest facility and number of facilities present within the FCA threshold distance/time that is specified. This tool is provided "as-is" without the offer of technical support and currently there is not an instruction manual (although hopefully the interface is reasonably intuitive). It has been programmed using ArcObjects/Visual Studio/VisualBasic.NET by Dr Mitchel Langford and Dr Richard Fry. Additional tool installation and usage guidance is available for download.
Original language | English |
Type | ArcGIS plugin for E2SFCA analyses |
Media of output | Software Package |
Publication status | Published - 1 Apr 2014 |