The Welsh Foundation Phase

Linda Davidge-Smith, Alison Prowle, Diane Boyd

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


This chapter is aimed at both teachers and students to provide an overview of the Foundation Phase curriculum in Wales. It provides detail of the origin of the Foundation Phase along with research based evidence as to why the curriculum was changed in 2008. In addition there are practical examples of how the Foundation Phase can be implemented in a classroom along with case studies to demonstrate both indoor and outdoor learning.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationUnderstanding Early Years Education across the UK
Subtitle of host publication Comparing Practice in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales
EditorsDiane Boyd, Nicky Hirst
ISBN (Electronic)978-1315776897
ISBN (Print)978-1138022720, 978-1138022713
Publication statusPublished - 8 Sept 2015


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