The welfare of the wildlife: is there a place for non-human animal welfare concerns in the IWT?

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Research by the panellists has found that individual wildlife suffer a great deal during (illegal) trade. Despite this, a majority of discussion about IWT focuses on human communities and conservation. Based upon their evidence regarding the lack of consideration for non-human animal welfare, the panellists explore whether inclusion of non-human animal welfare concerns can contribute to reduction of illegal wildlife trade, particularly the reduction of consumer demand. They will also debate the practicalities of implementing campaigns and prevention strategies that take into account non-human animal welfare concerns.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 9 Oct 2018
EventEvidence to Action: Research to Address Illegal Wildlife Trade Symposium - ZSL London Zoo , London, United Kingdom
Duration: 9 Oct 20189 Oct 2018


ConferenceEvidence to Action
Abbreviated titleIWT Symposium
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


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