The Purposes of Supervision: Practitioner and policy perspectives in England and Wales

John Deering

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    In recent decades theories of late modernity place the criminal justice system in a time of change and perceive amongst the general population growing levels of insecurity and intolerance of crime and offenders. Along with government policy and practice, these developments are seen as contributing to an increasingly punitive system that imprisons more than ever before and seeks to punish and manage offenders in the community, rather than to attempt their rehabilitation. For these reasons, along with a loss of faith in rehabilitation, the probation service is described by many as becoming a law enforcement agency, charged by government with the assessment and management of risk, the protection of the public and the management and punishment of offenders, rather than their transformation into pro-social citizens. This chapter discusses the extent to which a sample of practitioners within the National Probation Service for England and Wales ascribe to the values, attitudes and beliefs associated with these macro and mezzo level changes and how much their practice has changed accordingly.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationOffender Supervision
    Subtitle of host publication New directions in theory, research and practice
    EditorsFergus McNeill, Peter Raynor, Chris Trotter
    Place of PublicationCullompton
    PublisherWillan Publishing
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2010


    • probation practice
    • purposes of probation
    • probation summary


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