The Learning Profile as a Recipe for Success: Instrumental Tuition for Musicians Who Have Down’s Syndrome

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle

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This article reflects on a recent research report published in the Research Studies in Music Education journal detailing my approach to instrumental tuition for musicians who have Down’s Syndrome (Pickard, 2019). It is hoped that this article will be an accessible summary of the research and the proposed framework which can be explored by musicians with Down’s syndrome, their families, supporters, and music tutors. For this article I have chosen to focus on one musician, Olivia, who along with her family has given consent to be part of this article.
Original languageEnglish
Specialist publicationDown's Syndrome Association Journal
Publication statusPublished - 7 Mar 2020


  • down's syndrome
  • instrumental tuition
  • music education
  • piano
  • disability


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