Terminology web services

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Controlled terminologies such as classification schemes, name authorities and thesauri have long been the domain of the library and information science community. Although historically there have been initiatives towards library style classification of web resources, there remain significant problems with searching and quality judgement of online content. Terminology services can play a key role in opening up access to these valuable resources. By exposing controlled terminologies via a web service, organisations maintain data integrity and version control, whilst motivating external users to design innovative ways to present and utilise their data. We describe the approaches taken in establishing programmatic API's, then relate our experiences in creating terminology web services and associated client interface components, in particular for the archaeology domain (STAR project) and consider the case for more specialised services for different kinds of controlled vocabulary
Original languageEnglish
Article number55666966
Pages (from-to)287 - 298
Number of pages12
JournalKnowledge Organization
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2010


  • knowledge organization systems
  • terminology services
  • web services
  • api
  • Application Program Interfaces


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