Supporting young people in Europe Volume III: Looking to the future

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


The Council of Europe’s 21 international reviews of national youth policy have, over 20 years, produced a significant body of knowledge and a respected, innovative methodology. They have considerably enhanced the understanding and the development of “youth policy” throughout Europe.
Following the first seven international reviews, a synthesis report was produced that endeavoured to construct a framework for understanding youth policy. A similar synthesis exercise took place after a further seven international reviews, reflecting both on the evolving process of carrying out the reviews and on new themes and issues for youth policy that had not emerged within the initial framework.
This book, the third concerned with supporting young people in Europe, is a synthesis of the last seven international reviews, coupled with an overview of the learning that has accrued from all 21 international reviews. It draws together some of the conclusions and challenges that have emerged over two decades and considers some lessons for the future, not least alternative models of engagement in the youth field between the Council of Europe and its member states. It has been one of the key source materials for the preparation of the Council of Europe youth sector’s next ten-year youth strategy (for which I am the expert adviser on the drafting group).
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationStrasbourg
PublisherCouncil of Europe Publishing
Number of pages100
ISBN (Electronic)978-92-871-8495-5
ISBN (Print)978-92-871-8429-0
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2017


  • Youth Policy
  • Europe
  • Youth participation
  • Youth work
  • Families and communities
  • Young people


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