Supporting multiple quality improvement (QI) projects at local level: an NHS Wales case study

Mark Llewellyn, Jennifer Hilgart, Dominique Bird

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Case Study
This case study provides an insight into a team-based approach to supporting multiple healthcare quality improvement projects at local level, underpinned by a national quality improvement training programme and a model of mentoring, engagement and peer support.

Semi-structured interviews were conducted with three members of a recently formed quality improvement team (senior nurse manager, assistant nurse director and clinical nurse specialist), who were supporting different quality improvement projects within local service settings.

Quality improvement projects were being undertaken in a range of different healthcare settings within one locality in a large rural Health Board in Wales, including a community hospital, an out-patients department, a minor injuries unit and a day hospital.

This case study demonstrates the potential advances that can be made in quality improvement through adopting a team-based approach to supporting multiple quality improvement projects in different healthcare settings within one locality. The key supporting mechanisms for improvement were access to a national quality improvement training programme tailored to meet local needs; a focus on local priorities and projects; the formation of an enthusiastic quality improvement team with a shared common purpose, and a team-based model of mentoring, engagement and peer support.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Finance and Management in Public Services
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2016


  • quality improvement
  • peer support
  • training
  • mentoring


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