
Peter Bobby (Photographer)

Research output: Non-textual formExhibition


Strip, a new video work by artist Peter Bobby consists of a single shot, looped repeatedly to create a continuous back and forth movement across the screen. Although looking at a section of a bridge, it bears close resemblance to a strip of analogue film running through a projector. Interestingly, the bridge it documents, Newport’s important Transporter Bridge, was opened in 1906 coinciding with the early years of film, specifically silent movies and the picture house, and particular experimentation in the medium with both camera movement and duration.

This piece continues Bobby’s interest in the relationship between photography and moving image by creating video works that observe simple mechanical acts, resulting in gallery-based or site-specific installations that use the selected subject matter to open up broader discussions around architecture and technology and the devises and methods used to record it.

Shown for the first time in this bridge Control Room, Strip asks us to consider our passage through and across, and the specific movements that enable these acts to be possible. The installation of this piece in this specific location also serves to reinforce the works questioning of the role film and photography have played in the recording of our industrial heritage.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherThe Control Room
Media of outputFilm
Publication statusPublished - 30 Oct 2015
EventStrip - The Control Room, Bristol, United Kingdom
Duration: 30 Oct 20155 Nov 2015


  • Film
  • video installation
  • Photography and the moving image
  • Newport Transport Bridge


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