Street Robbery

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    Robbery is all offence in which the legal definition does little to identify the complexity of forms that it might take. In response to this, policy¬makers, criminologists and the media have devised different kinds of robbery that aim to reflect the variations involved. These variants are not always properly defined and are often only loosely connected to the law. They include mugging, bag-snatching, carjacking, armed robbery, robbery with violence and pickpocketing. There has also been some discussion about whether the offence should be broken down further into subcategories based on location (public places, on the street, convenience stores or petrol stations), the ownership of the goods stolen (personal or business), whether there was violence or just the threat of violence (robbery with violence) and whether the victim was in any form of transport at the time (carjacking).
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationHandbook on Crime
    EditorsFiona Brookman, Mike Maguire, Harriet Pierpoint, Trevor Bennett
    ISBN (Print)1843923718
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2010


    • robbery
    • offenders
    • crime
    • prevention


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