Special Issue: The Strategic Impact of Information Technology Deployment, Part III

Gareth White

    Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationSpecial issue


    This third issue in the series on information technology deployment furthers our understanding of successful system implementation in a wide range of contexts. Building upon the interesting contributions presented in the previous two issues,
    it provides insight into the peculiarities of smaller businesses around the globe. Once more, we wish to thank those who have contributed articles, along with the reviewers who have helped to shape the final submissions, and the editorial team who have been so helpful and supportive. Galloway, Sanders, and Bensemann lead this issue with an examination and comparative analysis of the strategic importance of information technology in very small firms in New Zealand and Scotland. Little previous research has considered micro‐sized firms. Their survey of companies reveals that Internet usage is widespread,
    and that it forms an important component of corporate strategy.
    Moving from an analysis of general Internet usage to specific information systems, Wynn, Turner, Banik, and Duckworth explore the implementation of electronic customer relationship management (e‐CRM) systems. Adopting an interpretive approach across three case studies, they highlight the importance of
    maintaining focus on people and processes, as well as technologies, when adopting e‐CRM. Failure to maintain a balanced approach leads to suboptimal performance.
    They conclude that e‐CRM implementation is a strategically significant undertaking that may impact the entire supply chain and requires sound project management skills in order to be successful.
    Original languageEnglish
    Specialist publicationStrategic Change
    Publication statusPublished - 23 Nov 2016


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