Silicate Dust in the Environment of RS Ophiuchi following the 2006 Eruption

C. E. Woodward, L. A. Helton, J. Th. Van Loon, R. K. Barry, M. F. Bode, R. J. Davis, Jeremy J. Drake, S. P. S. Eyres, T. R. Geballe, R. D. Gehrz, T. Kerr, J. Krautter, D. K. Lynch, J.-u. Ness, Tim J. O'brien, J. P. Osborne, K. L. Page, Richard J. Rudy, Ray W. Russell, G. SchwarzS. Starrfield, V. H. Tyne, A. Evans

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


We present further Spitzer Space Telescope observations of the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi, obtained over the period 208-430 days after the 2006 eruption. The later Spitzer IRS data show that the line emission and free-free continuum emission reported earlier is declining, revealing incontrovertible evidence for the presence of silicate emission features at 9.7 and 18 μm. We conclude that the silicate dust survives the hard radiation impulse and shock blast wave from the eruption. The existence of the extant dust may have significant implications for understanding the propagation of shocks through the red giant wind and likely wind geometry.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)L157-L160
JournalThe Astrophysical Journal
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 20 Dec 2007


  • binaries: close
  • binaries: symbiotic
  • infrared: stars
  • novae: cataclysmic variables
  • Stars: individual: (RS Oph)


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