Securitization and Counter-Securitization of Militancy in Pakistan after 9/11

Christian Kaunert, Alamgir Khan

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The article attempts to explore the securitization of militancy of General Pervez Musharraf government (1999-2008) after the US War on Terror in Pakistan. This article addresses the fundamental question whether Musharraf government succeeded to securitize militancy and whether the audience (public) accepted militancy as a threat or not? We argue that the audience did not accept the threat as such and the issue was counter-securitized. We analyse the speeches of different leaders of the political and religious parties where they through speech acts counter-securitized the issue of militancy. The study contributes to the theoretical discussion on
securitisation and counter-securitization using the model in Pakistan. The study contributes to the empirical literature by analysing militancy in Pakistan after 9/11 in the light of securitization framework.
Original languageEnglish
Article number177976
Pages (from-to)68-83
Number of pages16
JournalAsian Political Science Review
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2 Oct 2024


  • Securitization
  • Counter-Secuitization
  • Pakistan
  • Post-9/11

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