Report of A Citizens' Jury. Measuring the Mountain: What Really Matters in Social Care to Individuals in Wales

Katie Cooke, Rachel Iredale

    Research output: Other contribution

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    This is a report of a Citizens’ Jury which took place with 14 citizens of Wales in September 2018. Over four days the Jurors explored the question What really matters in social care to individuals in Wales? They listened to evidence, asked questions and compiled a series of recommendations. The recommendations highlight important aspects of social care. They are the beginning of a process for
    Welsh Government, and other organisations working in the sector, to ensure positive experiences for people accessing care and support.
    Original languageEnglish
    TypeReport of A Citizens' Jury
    PublisherUSW / UOG
    Number of pages28
    ISBN (Print)978-1-909838-36-9
    Publication statusPublished - 2019


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