Paradigm shift or 'Business as usual'? Researching change and continuity in youth justice practice

John Deering, Jonathan Evans

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster

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    Since the implementation of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 youth justice policy and practice have been overseen by the Youth Justice Board and operationalised at the local level by Youth Offending Services (drawing upon staff and disciplines from the fields of social work, probation, police, education, health and psychology). Practice has been informed by the Risk Factor Prevention Paradigm (RFPP) and the application of an assessment tool known as Asset. During the summer of 2016 Asset was replaced by Asset+, a framework that ostensibly replaces a predictive risk-based model with one that is informed by desistance theory. In October 2016 the researchers began to explore this fundamental paradigm shift in practice and its possible effect on the trajectories of young people.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 9 Nov 2016
    EventInterdisciplinarity: The challenges and opportunities for interdisciplinary research careers - 'M' Shed, Bristol
    Duration: 9 Nov 20169 Nov 2016




    • youth justice
    • offending services
    • young offenders
    • victimisation


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