Media and Scientific Risk: Moving Towards New Research Agendas through Fuller Definitions

Vian Bakir

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Risk is an enduring by-product of our complex technological and social institutions. Yet, risk is a much-debated term, with differences in assumptions about what risk constitutes leading to different approaches to its communication. Some of the main approaches are outlined in this paper. Focussing on research papers that are self- consciously about scientific “risk issues”, patterns in media-risk research are overviewed, thereby highlighting under-explored avenues of research.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationN/A
Number of pages11
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 1 Jan 2009
Event Language and the Scientific Imagination, 11th International Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas - Helsinki University
Duration: 28 Jul 200828 Jul 2008


Conference Language and the Scientific Imagination, 11th International Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas


  • media and scientific risk
  • research patterns


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