Launch of the 'spirituality in nursing care: online resource'

Linda Ross, Professor Wilfred McSherry

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Summary of significant points:- Nurses recognise spirituality as a fundamental aspect of nursing care that is intricately linked to quality. Respondents had a broad, inclusive understanding of spirituality accepting there is a broad spectrum of spiritual beliefs. It is concerning that the majority of respondents felt that they were only 'sometimes' able to meet patients spiritual needs. Need for RCN to work with other relevant organisation to ensure there is clear educational guidance and resources.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 1 Mar 2011
Event RCN Congress - Harrogate
Duration: 14 May 201214 May 2012


Conference RCN Congress


  • spirituality


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