Le cartolarizzazioni rappresentano, nel panorama legale italiano, un istituto peculiare. Mutuate dalla prassi negoziale del common law, ove costituiscono mere operazioni negoziali non codificate, le securitisation sono state dapprima legiferate nel 1999 per finalita privatistiche, per poi assumere nel tempo sembrianze e finalità ulteriori e diverse. In particolare, nella più recente esperienza, si assiste ad un uso sempre più pubblicistico delle securitisation, alla luce soprattutto del fatto che il veicolo, per mano del legislatore, diventa vieppiù strumento di finanza pubblica. Sulla scorta di ciò, il presente contributo analizza le cartolarizzazioni italiane nella più recente visuale legislativa, unitamente ai rischi di commistione fra finanze private e pubbliche che il “veicolo” italiano viene chiamato a svolgere.
Securitisations represent, within the Italian legal system, a peculiar concept. Imported from the common law, where these transactions are not legislated by definition, securitisations were legislated at the beginning, merely for private law purposes, although later on they have evolved through a different trajectory. More in detail, in the most recent experience, a more public purpose is emerging in the securitisations, particularly in the light of the fact that the Spv, thanks to the legislation, becomes even more a tool for public finances. Against this background, the recent contribution analyses the Italian securitisations within the most recent legislative framework, alongside with the risk of “incestuous” interaction between private and public finances which the Italian Spl is required to carry out.
Securitisations represent, within the Italian legal system, a peculiar concept. Imported from the common law, where these transactions are not legislated by definition, securitisations were legislated at the beginning, merely for private law purposes, although later on they have evolved through a different trajectory. More in detail, in the most recent experience, a more public purpose is emerging in the securitisations, particularly in the light of the fact that the Spv, thanks to the legislation, becomes even more a tool for public finances. Against this background, the recent contribution analyses the Italian securitisations within the most recent legislative framework, alongside with the risk of “incestuous” interaction between private and public finances which the Italian Spl is required to carry out.
Translated title of the contribution | The Securitisation Statute in between Private Finance and Public Accountancy, ergo the Thin Contours of a Very Italian Demarcation Line |
Original language | Italian |
Pages (from-to) | 62-90 |
Journal | Rivista della Corte dei Conti |
Issue number | 5 |
Publication status | Published - Sept 2021 |