KOS-based enrichment of archaeological fieldwork reports

Ceri Binding, Doug Tudhope*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

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Semantic enrichment techniques and tools based on knowledge organization systems (KOS) have an important role to play in supporting information discovery. This paper reports on work investigating and developing automatic indexing techniques (for final intellectual judgment) based on KOS. Within the UK, the OASIS online index of fieldwork events and their unpublished reports represent a major initiative to make archaeological fieldwork available to a wider public. OASIS is hosted by the Archaeology Data Service and is funded by Historic England and Historic Environment Scotland. A wide variety of organisations provide OASIS reports. Subject indexing is inconsistent and sometimes sparse, although use of standard KOS from the Forum on Information Standards in Heritage is encouraged.

Results from a case study for an automatic (KOS-based) subject indexing recommendation system are reported. Findings include the need to extend the KOS entry vocabularies and the need for post-processing filters to prioritise subject indexing significant for the document in question. The paper goes on to reflect on the experience with future work in mind, including discussion of evaluation issues and positioning the approach within the context of previous work on subject indexing, automatic indexing for Name Authorities and Named Entity Recognition.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCEUR Workshop Proceedings
Subtitle of host publication 7th ISKO UK Biennial Conference
Number of pages8
ISBN (Electronic)1613-0073
Publication statusPublished - 9 Apr 2024
Event7th ISKO UK biennial conference : Knowledge Organization and Information Discovery - Glasgow, United Kingdom
Duration: 24 Jul 202325 Jul 2023


Conference7th ISKO UK biennial conference
Abbreviated titleISKO UK:2023
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


  • Automatic subject indexing
  • named entity recognition
  • knowledge organization systems


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