Kicking Up Our Heels

Brian Lobel, Emily Speed, Anna Ledgard, Caroline Moore, Emily Underwood-Lee

Research output: Other contribution


Artists Emily Underwood-Lee, Brian Lobel and Emily Speed are working with parents at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) and GOSH Arts to consider the importance of finding space for yourself when you’re a parent or a carer of a child in hospital. Brian and Emily Underwood-Lee will be staging performances at the bedside for parents across the wards and asking where they go, and what they do to look after themselves when they are at GOSH. Emily Speed will use the information gathered from parents to make a collection of artworks which aim to support parents to care better for themselves when they are in the hospital.
Original languageEnglish
TypePerformances with parents and carers at Great Ormund Street Hospital.
Media of outputPerformances and report
Publication statusPublished - 2019


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