Inclusive Technology and Community Music

Robert Smith, Ben Challis

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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A novel accessible music controller (“the Benemin”) is described. Eight distance measuring sensors are used to enable users to control sound through a variety of actions appropriate to their individual needs. The system has been designed to be inclusive for people with physical disabilities but can be thought of more generally as a ‘tool’ for use within improvised music. It is envisaged that the instrument will have a variety of musical applications (free improvisation, community music, special needs education, music therapy) with users across a broad range of musical and/or physical abilities. A discussion is presented on the nature of musical activities within these contexts along with some initial observations based on preliminary user testing.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 1 Jan 2008
Event Accessible Design in the Digital World 2008 - York, UK
Duration: 22 Sept 200822 Sept 2008


Conference Accessible Design in the Digital World 2008


  • improvisation, music
  • disability, accessibility
  • technology


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