Frequency and Pattern Reconfigurable Antenna for Emerging Wireless Communication Systems

Amjad Iqbal, Amor Smida, Nazih Khaddaj Mall, Ridha Ghayoula, Issa Elfergani, Jonathan Rodriguez, Sunghwan Kim

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A printed and minimal size antenna having the functionality of frequency shifting as well as pattern reconfigurability is presented in this work. The antenna proposed in this work consists of three switches. Switch 1 is a lumped switch that controls the operating bands of the antenna. Switch 2 and Switch 3 controls the beam switching of the antenna. When the Switch 1 is ON, the proposed antenna operates at 3.1 GHz and 6.8 GHz, covering the 2.5–4.2 GHz and 6.2–7.4 GHz bands, respectively. When Switch 1 is OFF, the antenna operates only at 3.1 GHz covering the 2.5–4.2 GHz band. The desired beam from the antenna can be obtained by adjusting the ON and OFF states of Switches 2 and 3. Unique beams can be obtained by different combination of ON and OFF states of the Switches 2 and 3. A gain greater than 3.7 dBi is obtained for all four cases.
Original languageEnglish
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 7 Apr 2019


  • pattern reconfigurable
  • patch antenna
  • s-parameters
  • frequency reconfigurable


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