Fostering Employability Skills in Postgraduate Students - A lesson learned

Heather Skinner, William Jones, Julie Prior

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


    Despite guidance that holders of 'specialised / advanced study master's' qualifications 'will have the qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment' (QAA, 2010) a specific focus on embedding skills that enhance employability is often less in evidence in masters than in undergraduate programmes. This paper firstly presents reflections of the team involved in the development, design, and delivery of a new initiative aimed at enhancing the employability skills of full-time postgraduates at Glamorgan Business School that focused on developing academic, managerial, practical and technical skills and knowledge outwith individual subjects and courses. The lesson learned by this team of experienced academics can aid others who are similarly seeking to foster employability skills in postgraduate students.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationN/A
    Publication statusPublished - 5 Jul 2011
    Event Higher Education Academy Annual Conference "Changing Practice - Changing Times - Nottingham
    Duration: 5 Jul 20116 Jul 2011


    Conference Higher Education Academy Annual Conference "Changing Practice - Changing Times


    • postgraduate students
    • employability
    • skills development


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