Exploring the needs of service users with a co-existing mental health and neurodevelopmental disorder accessing Mental Health Services in CTUHB

Chelsea Courts, Anne Fothergill, Catherine Purcell, Emma Francis

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


    Previous literature has demonstrated a link between Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and mental health disorders. For example, Lai, Lombardo and Baron-Cohen (2014) found a 42-56% co-occurrence between ASD and anxiety, and a 12-70% co-occurrence with depression. A lack of research into ASD in adulthood, particularly in areas such as identifying co-morbid health difficulties and research involving the views of individuals with autism, has been identified by Murphy et al. (2016). This study aims to contribute to these gaps in the literature.
    1. To explore the needs of service users with co-occurring neurodevelopmental and mental health disorder, and to establish whether Cwm Taf University Health Board (CTUHB) are meeting these identified needs.
    2. To evaluate knowledge and understanding of ASD amongst staff working within adult mental health services in CTUHB.
    This two-phased study utilises a mixed methods design to investigate service user needs, and staff knowledge of ASD.
    Phase 1: Service users with co-existing ASD and mental health disorder will take part in a focus group/individual interview (either online or face-to-face) to explore service user needs, and establish whether these needs are being met by CTUHB’s Mental Health Service.
    Phase 2: Staff working within CTUHB’s Mental Health Service will be asked to complete a ‘Knowledge and Understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder’ questionnaire. There will also be an optional follow-up focus group to investigate staff perceptions of their knowledge of ASD in relation to the service user feedback from Phase 1.
    The needs of service users with co-occurring ASD and mental health disorder will be identified, and whether these needs are being met by CTUHB will be determined. The level of ASD knowledge of staff working within adult mental health services will be established.
    Potential Outcomes:
    A potential outcome from this study is the development of an effective service delivery model for adults with ASD and co-occurring mental health conditions who access the adult mental health service in CTUHB. This project allows for service user views to be considered when evaluating the service and to be involved in the service’s development.

    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 29 Nov 2018
    EventCwm Taf University Health Board Annual Research and Development Conference - University of South Wales, Pontypridd, United Kingdom
    Duration: 29 Nov 201829 Nov 2018


    ConferenceCwm Taf University Health Board Annual Research and Development Conference
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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