Evidence based policing and new police recruits - utility and application.

Colin Rogers

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Many western style democracies are now introducing Higher Education into their policing education programmes (Frevel and Rogers 2018). In England and Wales part of the Higher education curriculum is underpinned by the Evidence Based Policing (EBP) approach. EBP is an integral part of community policing, being closely associated with the problem solving approach as developed by Herman Goldstein (1990). This research explores the impact of the new initial police entry programmes, co-delivered in partnerships between Higher Education and police forces, on the application of evidence-based policing (EBP) in the workplace. The study utilised a survey of new student police constables undergoing the new higher education qualifications programme from five different police forces in England and Wales over a two year period.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 24 Apr 2023
EventThe Twelfth WCCSJ (Welsh Centre for Crime and Social Justice) Annual Conference 2023 - Gregynog Hall, Powys, United Kingdom
Duration: 24 Apr 202325 Apr 2023
Conference number: 12th


ConferenceThe Twelfth WCCSJ (Welsh Centre for Crime and Social Justice) Annual Conference 2023
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • police recruits
  • Evidence based policing


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