Ethics and Leadership: The Cornerstones for Regional and Economic Success in Organisations of the XXI Century

M Isabel Martins, Ana Martins, O P Pereira, R Williams

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Organizational and business ethics research has played a fundamental
    role in stimulating the awareness of the need for a paradigm change.
    This change is based on the anachronistic nature of already existing
    paradigms. These are instrumental to thwart economic agents making
    them unable to respond to challenges launched by the knowledge
    economy. Theses behavioural blockages prevalent in the economic
    agents impede any contribution of social and economic change. In this
    way, negative externalities are revealed upon the regional economic
    performance. This leads to new leadership visions, with the main
    objective of propelling employees towards a working environment
    which is more dignifying, flexible and more productive. Organisational
    longevity results from open thought provoking, efficient and committed behaviour patterns. For this reason it was our objective to reflect upon these two geographical areas in order to ascertain personality traits concerned with those values related to ethics amongst university students who also were gainfully employed. Organisational change is an active instrument. There may be a close relationship between the organisation’s life cycle and its resistance to new paradigms. Our aim is to analyse whether Portuguese and Welsh Organizations come closer, or grow further apart from those guidelines set out in new organisational demands, whose immaterial nature is gaining importance in sustaining its competitiveness.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages25
    JournalInternational Journal of Regional and Sectoral Economic Studes (RSES)
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2009


    • leadership
    • ethics
    • organisation
    • regional economic growth


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