Design and Implementation of Open Circuit Voltage Prediction Mechanism for Lithium-Ion Battery Systems

Thomas Stockley, Kary Thanapalan, Mark Bowkett, Jonathan Williams

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This paper describes an open circuit voltage (OCV) prediction technique for lithium cells. The work contains an investigation to examine the charge and mixed state relaxation voltage curves, to analyse the potential for the OCV prediction technique in a practical system. The underlying principal of the technique described in this paper employs a simple equation paired with a polynomial to predict the equilibrated cell voltage after a small rest period. The polynomial coefficients are devised by the use of curve fitting and system identification techniques. The practical work detailed in this paper was conducted at the Centre for Automotive and Power System Engineering (CAPSE) battery laboratories at the University of South Wales. The results indicate that the proposed OCV prediction technique is highly effective and may be implemented with a simple battery management system
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)707 - 717
Number of pages12
JournalSystems Science and Control Engineering
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • OCV
  • cell relaxation
  • lithium technology
  • battery system performance
  • prediction mechanism


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