David Barnes - Photographing a Structure of Feeling: 'The Loyal Order of the Moose’ organisation in Wales: Part of the panel - The Welsh Atlantic: Inter-disciplinary approaches. 1. Rhiannon Heledd Williams - ‘Constructing Welsh-America in the Victorian Era’. 2. David Barnes - Photographing a Structure of Feeling: 'The Loyal Order of the Moose’ organisation in Wales 3. Daniel G. Williams - The Racist Atlantic: From James J. Davis to Brexit.

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


David Barnes - Photographing a Structure of Feeling: 'The Loyal Order of the Moose’ organisation in Wales This paper will discuss my practice-based research exploring the Cultural Politics of the south Wales Valleys in the context of my recent photography exhibition on ‘Pseudo-Masonic’ organisations including 'The Loyal Order of the Moose ’ ‘Lodge Number 1’ of The Loyal Order of the Moose was established by James J Davis in Tredegar in 1926 and remains the most active lodge in Britain. The paper considers the complexity of the exchange of ideas between the USA and Wales via the organisation with a focus on the distinct local cultures that have developed in and around lodge communities such as those in Tredegar. Despite the changes that have taken place in the organisation in recent years, and its uncertain future with a diminishing membership, consideration is given to the value of such organisations on a level of personal, collective and even political experience.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 13 May 2017
EventAWWE Annual conference : Ex/Changes: Multidisciplinarity, Wales Studies and Beyond - Gregynog Hall, Powys , United Kingdom
Duration: 12 May 201714 May 2017


ConferenceAWWE Annual conference
Abbreviated titleAWWE
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


  • wales
  • writing
  • literature
  • photography
  • raymond williams


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