Comparing Book- and Tablet-Based Picture Activity Schedules: Acquisition and Preference

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Picture activity schedules consist of a sequence of images representing the order of tasks for a person to complete. Although, picture activity schedules have traditionally been presented in a book format, recently picture activity schedules have been evaluated on technological devices such as an iPod touch. The present study compared the efficiency of picture activity schedule acquisition on book- and tablet-based modalities. In addition, participant preference for each modality was assessed. Three boys aged below 5 years with a diagnosis of autism participated. Participants were taught to follow the schedules using both modalities. Following mastery of each modality of picture activity schedule, a concurrent-chains preference assessment was conducted to evaluate participant preference for each modality. Differences in acquisition rates across the two modalities were marginal. Preference for book- or tablet-based schedules was idiosyncratic across participants.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)647-664
JournalBehavior Modification
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2017


  • picture activity schedule
  • technology
  • concurrent-chains preference assessment
  • social validity
  • Autism


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