Chiropractic care as a richly contextual package: contemporary challenges and opportunities in undergraduate curriculum

David Byfield, Alister Du Rose, David Newell

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To maintain credibility in a modern healthcare environment, undergraduate health educational programmes must be evidence based reflecting best evidence and practice within the curriculum in order that new graduates are well prepared for professional life the possessing skill sets to meet the demands of clinical practice. As new clinical science emerges pertaining to the delivery of best care and explanations underpinning clinical outcomes, chiropractic curricula need to be reviewed and updated in terms of content and delivery in order to remain contemporary and to comply with current guidelines and statutory requirements. However, embedding new concepts and content in an already busy programme requires considerable time and resources from educational institutions. Creating new themes within an existing programme, both vertically and horizontally poses a challenge for academic staff to ensure that the knowledge and skills are integrated, delivered and assessed appropriately in line with other units of delivery. A good example of this situation is the current clinical evidence pertaining to the role of contextual factors and their impact on enhancing patient outcomes, particularly in relation to care and management of musculoskeletal conditions. This presentation will outline some of the opportunities and barriers associated with introducing this important evidential paradigm into an existing traditional chiropractic undergraduate curriculum. The aim of this presentation is to launch a discussion of the importance of these factors within the delivery of effective health care and how this knowledge and skill can be packaged to improve and enhance student understanding of their role as a primary contact professional. The presentation will also address how knowledge of and enhancing of these factors can align with and enhance traditional historical mind sets regarding chiropractic practice in creating a small but influential paradigm shift in undergraduate education.
Original languageEnglish
Article numberO-11
Pages (from-to)44
JournalChiropractic & Manual Therapies
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 25 Sept 2018
EventECU (European Chiropractors' Union) Convention 2018: Chiropractic and The Seven Ages of Man - Budapest Congress Centre , Budapest, Hungary
Duration: 25 May 201827 May 2018


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