Can cognitive style predict how individuals use web-based learning environments?

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


This chapter considers the question of whether web-based learning environments can be employed to effectively facilitative learning. Several questions are considered around this issue, principally whether variations in hypertext architecture, and individual differences in information processing are salient factors for consideration. Furthermore, whether the effectiveness of learning depends precisely upon how learning is defined. Finally, differences in hypertext navigational strategies are assessed in terms of whether these can be predicted by individual differences in cognitive style. The chapter ends by concluding that the research on web-based instructional systems is to some extent promising, although the field of cognitive style is diverse, and realistic predictions regarding the use of this construct in instructional design is, as yet, tenuous.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCognitive and Emotional Processes in Web-based Education: Integrating Human Factors and Personalization
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2009


  • web-based learning
  • hypertext architecture
  • cognitive style
  • hypertext navigation
  • learning


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