Body Questions in Practice: Decision Making through Movement and the Arts

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


Body Questions is a multimedia guide to making decisions and exploring transitions using dynamic activities for all abilities, with an exciting feature of bespoke music and engaging illustrations to guide your way. Whether you are considering a career change, debating a crucial personal issue, or going through a life transition, engaging with movement can help you cope with life events through insightful discoveries. This book is meant for everyone. If you are completely new to movement or are interested in deepening your movement practice – welcome! If you are a dance/movement student and/or advocate, a dance/movement psychotherapist or a professional in mental health, allied health, or the caring professions, you can gain new ideas to work with your clients, as well as apply these to your personal development. In this book, you will get a chance to:
• Creatively map out your decisions and their possibilities
• Develop new skills to reflect and get fresh perspectives
• Understand how movement and body awareness help us to know ourselves better, and
• Reconnect with your body in the process!
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages500
ISBN (Print)978-1032420448
Publication statusPublished - May 2025

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