Blogging the Law: Using Web 2.0 Technology to Support Student Learning

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


The teaching of legal and ethical issues is integral to the pre-registration nursing curriculum (NMC, 2010) Despite this there is limited scope to devote sufficient time towards the topic in an already very overcrowded curriculum. Generally legal and ethical issues are placed ad hoc within other topic areas hence legal and ethical issues may often be seen as secondary to other areas (for example life sciences) that nurses need to grasp in order to be an effective and safe practitioner (Wheeler, 2012). To attempt to address insufficient curriculum time, in 2013 the law and ethics subject lecturers commenced a legal and ethical blog to illuminate topical legal and ethical issues. Blogging has been valued as a means of enhancing the student learning experience in various topic areas (Roland et al, 2011), as well as assisting the student to be more familiar with using information technology. Various topics of capricious complexity have been added to the blog, including definitions of negligence, an overview of key ethical principles, and the law in relation to patient consent. The blog has seen over 20 'hits' per week demonstrating to the team that many students are seeking the content of the blog over the lifetime of their course. Student comments are encouraged with an aim that through meaningful interaction with each other and members of the course team, students can further explore legal and ethical issues. In addition it is envisaged that this will help to create a learning community, with the potential this will assist students to place law and ethics into everyday practice by sharing experiences and issues with each other.

Blogging the Law: Using Web 2.0 Technology to Support Student Learning. Available from: [accessed Jun 19, 2017].
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 5 Sept 2016
EventNET 2016 Conference - Education In Healthcare - Churchill College, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Duration: 5 Sept 20168 Sept 2016


ConferenceNET 2016 Conference - Education In Healthcare
Abbreviated titleNET 2016
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • web 2.0
  • law
  • Pedagogic Research


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